Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Skewed thinking..

Its been a signature in my mind...As a kid, I always painted in dark colors, (I still do) I could never do potraits or figurative sketches to their perfection...My senses are simply not created for it....Even before ten years of age, I stopped using sketching with pencil before painting on the canvas. I abhore non-eccentricity...I was always preemptive, and this applied exactly to my paintings, I cannot wait to dab the paint and smear them all over my canvas...For me its a sheer feel of bliss, which is unhindered by any sort of borders whatsoever....In fact most of the time, I am deeply urged to start painting and will arrive at a theme only later....I love to wait and see what theme / form comes out of it...It is my world, my private one, that is elusive and far from obvious...I never feel lonely at this particular juncture...this world that draws me into it...Its like falling in love...U lose ur senses, you feel immensely gratified but ironically have a sense of deep pang that draws you into it...
Jackson Pollock....
“My opinion is … the modern painter cannot express his age, the airplane, the atom bomb, the radio in the old forms of the Renaissance … the modern artist is living in a mechanical age … working and expressing an inner world—in other words, expressing the energy, the motion, and other inner forces.”
“On the floor I am more at ease, I feel nearer, more a part of the painting, since this way I can walk around in it, work from the four sides and be literally ‘in’ the painting.” --Jackson Pollock, 1947
“The method of painting is the natural growth out of a need. I want to express my feelings rather than illustrate them. Technique is just a means of arriving at a statement.... I can control the flow of paint: there is no accident, just as there is no beginning and no end.” -- Jackson Pollock in Films by Hans Namuth and Paul Falkenberg 1951
When I was a small kid I was ignorant about these concepts..I just followed my mind....I remember my painting being rejected by the painting master as it was too dark and was redundant.. But I continued with my style, my form of expression was skewed, but I learnt to not succumb to appreaciations, and when I got a even higher accolade in form of a Government recognition as a 11 year old, I was even lesser joyed than when I would have seen a cockroach fly...
So the mantra is....skewed dimensions, pure expression, and never to expect, and believe me EGO is very good......