Thursday, January 17, 2008

Friday, January 11, 2008

Some major decisions

I have decided to set aside more time looking into certain galoring new possibilities in life. You see, redundantly people have made me realise that its more sensible to devote energy toward petty (or huge) abiotic things. Essentially because, you can comfortably spend energy, money and emotions on a abiotic piece of gadget or a really mechanised object and so on, and you never have to regret if it doesnot respond back with the same love, care or someother human-associated idiosyncracies. 
So here is an example of what really appeals to my present sense of devoting without attachment as recounted by all the spiritual gurus of the 21st century.

I was frantically searching for this one object that could be 1) aesthetic 2) useful 3) likes to be loved 4) but never shows back emotions..
And I found this: (click on image for better view..always..)
To relish the craftmanship, look this which has more magnification

As you are chimerically experiencing the feel of a kleenex out an aesthetic nostrils, also keep in mind to gift it to your friends who are awaiting to get emancipated from clutches of mushy human bondage.
Coming soon..
A sexy ass for ur cat...?? this space for the REAL arse sharpener
Disclaimer: These products arenot fictional, they do exist in E-shopping. Anything is possible in the internet except parturition. If you are the guy who made or markets the product, then I must say you are definitely helping the public.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Random Ramblings

Improvements over the past few days in my life: I had a haircut yesterday. Dont search for the pictures it will remain a terrible killer secret. I randomly realised that eating sushi can be more difficult than eating pizza with your mouth half-open. I also realised that breakups are very common, more common than the common cold. Also, the most stricking revelation is that I could have an interesting conversation with my Crotian hairstylist. (Believe me, it was multi-lingual and full of gestures). Finally oranges really make you feel less sick but try the litchees they make you feel victorious. Again, I miss my tresses.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Why dont you display your real name?

I have been asking this question to myself for long (folks note this phrase , always works for me* While giving a presentation, if you didnt know what to answer to the guy who asked you that out-of-the-planet question, try this phrase). So again, I have been asking this question to myself. Why is that I havenot displayed my real name?
  • My real name (as displayed in 'expendable information' column) is I think exotic, and not universal.
  • You see, I like my readers to identify me with an extinct bird called DoDo..but not exactly the same bird, and thats why I am called DiDo.
  • My parents think 'DiDo' is funny. They chuckle everytime they happen to hear it through some sources that spy about me**
  • But besides the above reasons, the real reason is: I have a lot of enemies and they are searching for me in the internet, in the police station, in the radio station and so on.
  • I honestly tricked my enemies. They know I write, so they would be searching for me in under the name of 'Don'

*it wont work anymore, as my collegues who eventually bump into this post will come to know what I really mean by the phrase "I have been asking this question to myself for long"

**One of it is my sister

Friday, January 4, 2008

Dad, I grew up

In addition to my clumsiness with breakable objects, I am inherently embedded with some other 'skewed-from-normal-behaviour' type characteristics as a kid (also now). From childhood I had trouble realising that I can be wrong most times in any arguement. The realisation always came quite late, usually after everyone has slept off or even very late as in the next day or even the next week. Its not that I was egoistic and never realised that I was wrong. Rather I was always consummately pipe-dreaming.

I know you folks are lurking like a Larvanaut, in highly effervescent spirits to learn more about behaviour of a Disastrous-DiDo. So read on...One of the most prominent recurring instance of such of my behaviour as a kid: I used be perched in my father's bike (just a small one who has began schooling) and used to be concentrating on non-human inanimate objects as my father drives. My eye sockets used to gleam at the sight of neon hoardings (well amnot sure if they were neon, but they were definitely hoardings). As I spot any new word that can potentially adorn my vocabulary I would be instantly elevated. But unfortunately my wakeful conscious state would be at abysmal quantities*.After we reach home, I would in a high-pitched tone exclaim 'pa, did you see that hoarding? It was about fevicol - an ultimate adhesive= spelling is A-D-E-S-I-V'. And the arguement begins that moment. My father and me would endlessly argue about the correct spelling. And the worst thing is I would stick to my spelling like a leach sticks to a juicy succulent flesh. I would just not realise that I am wrong.

The phenonmenon still exists, but I grew up. Not that I dont make spelling mistakes but, this time I am slightly more awake and the 'realisation dawns on me'

Let me demonstrate:
click on the image for a better view

* I was (am) always lost in some moony place. I havenot discovered which.


Thursday, January 3, 2008

2007 do you realise it folks holiday

2007 & holiday boing-boing
Folks, the holiday-boing-boing, is spanked hard to wake up and find another-huge-long-working year. You and I are now breathing the 'new year air'. The kleenex tissue paper I used, now proudly sits in the garbage thats is piled up like the first few 'sprigs' of the new year - The fresh organic-aroma bearing 'new year garbage'. 

But, on a thoughful retrospection, we cannot be so rude to 2007 and just dare to forget it. It has served us for 365 days. Looking back , one can be grateful to the previous year for a humpteen things like: you escaped a terrible epidemic rash, because the itch mite had found someone juicier than you to to plant its sting on (or) you discovered that you are genetically predisposed to myopia or some phenonmenol disease like repeated-rambling in cold. Whatever be the ailment, be thankful to your body and to science. Visit your doctor often. Make him or her feel 'belonged' (belonged to chronic diseases). Eat a lot of calcium. Dont neglect protein, you will dearly miss the patch of hair when it withers down. Try to mobilise your brain cells atleast twice a month. Give your iPod atleast 7 hours of sleep everyday. Respect you laptop- Dont make it feel like a nightlamp. Save electricity, save fossil fuels. Wash your socks. And be nice to the goats and koalas. Wish you a cheesy 2008.

Overheard at the new year bash party: 2007 says to 2008, "Dont be so overjoyed. The Homo sapiens would extract your gore till you wean out, they would bomb you, drink in your name, thump on your conk and will finally blog all nasty things about you.."