Saturday, January 5, 2008

Why dont you display your real name?

I have been asking this question to myself for long (folks note this phrase , always works for me* While giving a presentation, if you didnt know what to answer to the guy who asked you that out-of-the-planet question, try this phrase). So again, I have been asking this question to myself. Why is that I havenot displayed my real name?
  • My real name (as displayed in 'expendable information' column) is I think exotic, and not universal.
  • You see, I like my readers to identify me with an extinct bird called DoDo..but not exactly the same bird, and thats why I am called DiDo.
  • My parents think 'DiDo' is funny. They chuckle everytime they happen to hear it through some sources that spy about me**
  • But besides the above reasons, the real reason is: I have a lot of enemies and they are searching for me in the internet, in the police station, in the radio station and so on.
  • I honestly tricked my enemies. They know I write, so they would be searching for me in under the name of 'Don'

*it wont work anymore, as my collegues who eventually bump into this post will come to know what I really mean by the phrase "I have been asking this question to myself for long"

**One of it is my sister

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