Welcome to this series. Fellow earthlings-desperate-to-curse, it is possible to curse without the 'F' word. I realise how the 'F' word had made us so dependent on it, just like we are so dependent on certain things in life like the dearly feeling of iPod stuck to your ears (even if it is out of battery) or a piece of chewing gum that so dearly adheres to the inner mucus layer of your jaw..
Lets show the 'F' word, that we can do without it (What the 'f***'). This series begins with an Australian inclination. (I just saw pictures of kangaroos, koalas and tortoises from my friend who had been to Aus recently..Always when u show me pictures, my brain lights up only if I find any non-human biotic being...hence...)
1. If the victim you want to hurl your curse in form of verbal spillings, has a nice round tummy, you can always get ready and let out this phrase as a blasphemy: 'Hey, you kangaroo-pouched-piece-of-meatbone' or something so outrageously australian.

2. Or you may refer to a tough-bummed piece of crap you always wanted to curse as a one with 'koala like-glue-in-your-arse-making-you-stick-on-the-tree'
I think this helped a little. I am so excited to try it on someone. So, try it. Who knows, it may work. But before you try read the health tip.
Health tip: For curse 1, eat 7 more cornflakes (earlier for each "F" word you used, you had to gobble only 1 cornflake extra than your human-survival serving) For curse 2, eat 12 more cornflakes.
Precaution tip: To avail the maximum benefits, make sure that specimen you are about to curse knows that such exotic fauna exists in australia. It always helps the society if you educate an ignorant. For your convineance, we have provided the picture of koala as a teaching tool.
Disclaimer: To the monsters-jus-waiting-to-curse and just in their adolescence, learning-new-curse-to-flaunt-to-their pals: This is not a prurient/lewd/x-rated site. Sorry to disappoint you.
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