On a high gravity mastication of thoughts, I have always seen how contradicting is the essence of philosophy, uttered while on the path to revelation by men purported to have high repute. Just like the law of nature widely believed is the "two faces" of any existing concept/person/thoughts/reality...the ying-yang, the good-bad, and so on...But the picture is yet incomplete without including the unique concept of having a neutral visage for any existing phenonmenon as mentioned in the language of the cosmos, the language of the most ever primitive yet, civilised human being- the Sanskrit.. This language includes a "neutrality" in its conjugation, a neutral gender and so on..This is not like a neutral unbiased existence by itself but rather, a melting point of two extremities. The melting points where boundaries fade, the melting point of two contrasts - like the fauna and flora...like the fungi that is both an beast and a plant!!!..the melting point of two worlds, like the green colour that form when you mix yellow and blue ; and how the green is not a single green but actually a gradient that can be sensibly altered to a variety of green shades.....
I think am deviating from the idea....But now established that ANY philosophy has 2 shades and also a melting point (which exists as a gradient)...And what really is happening is that each one of the human mind involved in religion, vedanta, philosophy, and such similar pursuits, derives a certain "shade" of thought...the shade could be "light" but could be suited for that person,,, but the light shade is yet unsuited for crores of other people as each of us are made of inherently different mind substance and each of us are in varying levels of the spiritual pursuit...So when such pre-conceived thoughts originating from a person totally different and unique from you, how can such thoughts lead you to enlightenment, rather wont it stymie your mind like a mis-fixed jigsaw puzzle piece??? thats exactly the point I like to marshall, each of can (if we desire) listen and read about such philosophies but, we must devise our OWN thought process that is inherently idiosyncratic....idiosyncratic like the design we find in the "keys"- the design scheme that is not repeated else where for safety (unless of course copied by the illegal keymaker!!!thats exaclty the point)... having said this you must not wonder why my concept should actually influence you... the concept can influence, but my thoughts SHOULDNOT...
Like how Einstien commented on asking about what was education according to him (He being an all-time-dumbo at school and an all-time-genius in life)...Einstein quacks, "Education trains the mind to think..." ; meaning education should make you "think" that is, generate new ideas, work on undiscovered and uninvented ideas, and education must not be somethin that jus gives you a gross mental study material that can be mugged up and puked when neccessary... An analogy to this is the topic we are interested in quacking about;;;; Has religion, scriptures, customs, culture, philosophy, and so on (which are nothing but SOME BODY'S ORIGINAL THOUGHTS) spurred the creative philosophical thoughts in the populace...the answer is largely NO, as the populace is still 'largely' doting on someone's words, quoting somebody's thoughts, thereby developing a certain 'mental stymie' exactly at that place in the brain where creativity springs up on the path to realisation of the supreme!!!!
This is a place for streamlined rantings, that is, rantings that carry a message or some emotion or atleast a few words... Humor is intented to aid in providing matrix for thoughts to twine in...so join in and rant, but this time with a colorable story basting in it!
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
And that was the squeaky episode::
....I remember the time when I was a tiny kid of say pre-school when my father used to take me to the apartment meeting (well u now know from whr my "blog for the society" concerns spurted..ha ha)...And somehow this herd of goats had prior knowledge about this meeting held every saturday and used to stroll around and cross via., our apartment at a specific time slot after the meeting when the male specimens of the meeting (one of which was holding a oh-so-innocent pre-schooler--thats me) can be seen migrating towards the silent hush-hush space between the gate and the main road for enjoying the then 'long long ago':: unpolluted Chennai sea breeze. I used to make all efforts to be still in papa's arms but manage to bend and touch the goats...and that moment saw the earliest memory of the incident of me inventing various names for such biotic-mortals with epithets that didnt belong to any existing language on earth....
And so, eventually, for the next two decades, everytime on spotting the oh-so-cute features , my pectoral lobe would be put under some internal brownian movements and would eventually cook up and finally convey the signals of an absolutely non-existent epithet for the object of my appeal.
And so, when Squeaky was discovered by the inherently compassionate being living with me (he is a "compassion inside: Death rock outside" combo)..the cousin of mine; it created quite a lot of exciting stir in a nutshell...The stir was further bolstered by a series of composite features of the baby squirrel, like a soft fur, innocent almond eyes, the way he curled up in sleep, even the reality of ticks harboring his fur and how gullibly unaware he was of the existence of the bugs on him... the way he squeaked, the way he bit us with a nano-scale set of mallibles that was on the process of metamorphorsing to teeth, the way his cute conk always searched for a comfy zone that was less lit, that was warm and that which had less air flow...So such attributable amalgam of display by the "squeaky"; biologically a squirrel by species; saw the resurgance of an yet again creative flux in my mind to conjure up innumberable epithets; to which I am positive that squeaky was sub-consciously responding...
Well...one uneventful evening saw squeaky escape from his highly protected artificial home created by some jobless friends of his (thats exactly us!!!) to hopefully join to exist blissfully with some of his similar-species uncle/cousin...well squeaky we miss you but I still have the infinity scale names given to you fresh in my mind...needs another exclusive blog to pen it down!!!!
To Squeaky::: the squeakiest!!!
Thursday, August 16, 2007
One blog a day...
One blog a day, keeps boredom away!!
(Saying applies until the time project starts...)
Two blogs a day, keeps everyone away... Hmmpphh... people dont prefer loquacious specimen whose gender spells 'female'
(Saying applies until the time project starts...)
Two blogs a day, keeps everyone away... Hmmpphh... people dont prefer loquacious specimen whose gender spells 'female'
Hmm...Well..."Strange" strangers as critics..

Yet another day...whereas the delimitations for aspirations in life is considered one of the self-deciding component of one's blithe living; there are scaffold where you tend to articulate your aspirations as writing to forums/blogs and such awfully engrossing leisure spots...(here by "aspirations" we gladly tend to embrace wide contrasts of things like::: your aspiration to become a surgoen or astronaut, or to jog everyday, or to eat the Rs 99/- unlimited pizza at Alwarpet and make the pizza place owner bankrupt to such an extent that he can't afford to buy even an ounce of 'maida', or the most gloriously potrayed aspirations ever, to "date" men/women or both(?)...and the list baloons further.....)
But what really happens is that on you penning down such stuff, you tend to invite snare, glares and so on from fellow populace...(here by "fellow" we mean people similarly recording such riveting(!) stuff through words).
So the undeniable event of encountering some one who in a hardly impeccable sentence formation patterns of the English language sent a morsel (morsel=scrap...actually we dont publicise networking sites here...so dont expect me to add the explanation for 'morsel' again), stating that the specimen actually liked the "attitude" displayed in the profile but came out with a yet another not-at-all-required advice that one should not get too ambitious...well..er..translating to basically to::: u can display any amount of feat (any people will evetually like it) but u mustnot actually pursue on that line to 'achieve' anything...(as people may not like dat)
PS: I couldnt find the gender of the specimen. But looking at the probablity of events such this, and based on the untold norms of male-female behaviour, i certainly would have liked to blog about HOW-the-male-gender-cant-endure-ambitous-female counterparts...(but one of the rule of our blogging standards strongly extempt me from writing in this angle..the rule states: avoid generalisations and the standard-formats which are terribly the speech fallacies and ga ga...)
But what really happens is that on you penning down such stuff, you tend to invite snare, glares and so on from fellow populace...(here by "fellow" we mean people similarly recording such riveting(!) stuff through words).
So the undeniable event of encountering some one who in a hardly impeccable sentence formation patterns of the English language sent a morsel (morsel=scrap...actually we dont publicise networking sites here...so dont expect me to add the explanation for 'morsel' again), stating that the specimen actually liked the "attitude" displayed in the profile but came out with a yet another not-at-all-required advice that one should not get too ambitious...well..er..translating to basically to::: u can display any amount of feat (any people will evetually like it) but u mustnot actually pursue on that line to 'achieve' anything...(as people may not like dat)
PS: I couldnt find the gender of the specimen. But looking at the probablity of events such this, and based on the untold norms of male-female behaviour, i certainly would have liked to blog about HOW-the-male-gender-cant-endure-ambitous-female counterparts...(but one of the rule of our blogging standards strongly extempt me from writing in this angle..the rule states: avoid generalisations and the standard-formats which are terribly the speech fallacies and ga ga...)
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Vanity Bites...

whoa....lemme tell you how the over-confidence of having enormous money and position got as a legacy rather than self-effort; give a certain epigenetically (!) disturbed mental disposition to certain people. An epitome for this is my personal witness of the person at the VISA interview who had all airs about her from the time her feet thumped into the embassy premises. On her turn for the interview, she was observed by us, (the mute students …one of which would eventually literate the community about this “unique behaviour” through the blogging process...he he!!) to have a certain pattern of highly disturbing rather irritating body language, a false accent, a made-up attitude…All this was further put to use by the person in describing a not-at-all-required detail of her being the great-grand daughter of a business magnet in the country. On questioning about the inadequacy of her documents needed to support her VISA application she merely went on to say about the wealth her great-great grandfather had left behind, which was ‘obvious’ according to her, saying ‘come on…I belong to the X.D.Z family…And we obviously have lots of money’. The most 'sorry' position was for the official who interviewed her and was dumbstruck with the ruthless audacity with which the lady spoke..So ultimately we students couldnot get over the temptation to gossip and stir the premises out of its meditative state…we ultimately concluded that she was stoned….rather stoned with the mysterious drug of vanity…actually overdose I must say…..
The Expanding Lines of This Blog
On the unavoidable circumstances of the thoughts overpowering and jumping outta the idea of a originally being blog for abroad studies, I hereby declare this blog to be a scaffold for any-many thoughts, ideas and such similar cousins of philosophies…(specific note to Jithu a.k.a JJ , this..)But let the name of the blog be the same as Shakespeare beautifully blurts – “What’s in a name??”
MY Japanese name is:::

MY Japanese name is:::
“Hiroko Sasaki”
Source: http://www.blogthings.com/japanesenamegenerator/
Hence forth the blog can also be complicatedly named as - Hiroko Sasaki and Yoshiyuki Suzuki’s abroad geezer’s blog..
Friday, August 10, 2007

Some excerpts from a Survey of Doctoral Education and Career Preparation I came across in the world wide web;;; Like:::
"Be extremely careful selecting your advisor. Make sure they have the following qualities:
1. successful graduation of students from their lab
2. good funding
3. good publication record
4. good recommendations from former students
5. good people working for them
6. time to meet with you.."
"Be prepared for failure of experiments most of the time.
Also be prepared to stay in the graduate program for a really long time. 4 years is not the norm--more like 6 or 7"
"Make sure you know why you are there and what you want to do with your degree. Then make sure your advisor knows, too. Make a plan with your advisor that will both satisfy his/her requirements for your degree, and still get you out in a timely manner so you can go on to the next phase of your life."
the link is::: http://www.phd-survey.org/advice/molecular_biology.htm
dido says:: but beware the survey has inputs from jus-outta PhD or students pursuing PhD and has major fallacies and generalisations like:
"If you are a woman and want a family as well as a respectful career in science, forget it. Maybe you'll be a respected, successful scientist if you give up all other hopes and dreams, but this is not a guarantee. If you happen to become both, a mother and a scientist, one will suffer. Usually it's motherhood and the children. Most scientists are crappy parents. Our society does not encourage bright, talented women to breed. Particularly in science, women are punished for breeding. Neither sex is encouraged to be attentive parents, active members of their community, or maintain outside creative interests/hobbies. "
dido says:: A generalisation as in here is absolutely drastic and pushingly pessimistic....but it definitely holds true if u r basically not destined with good managerial skills (here we intend to actually refer to the siamese twins of livelihood - managing home and career)!!!
PS1: Hence this survey material isnot of diagnostic nature or to be taken as the touchstone for deciding abt ur choice for a PhD..Remember each of us have our way of living..
PS2: I remember the time when we were contemplating on career preference between PhD or not, after Masters; there was this similar kind of argument that was sent by a friend as an email forward...i still remember and recall how somebody's views sent as forward drastically changed the career decision of a collegue, who decided not to pursue doctorate studies...Well..er..such are life's dearies and the impact of some Mr.X's views sent as email attachment...Its better to look into YOUR heart and YOUR life...Again :;Remember each of us have our way of living..
"Be extremely careful selecting your advisor. Make sure they have the following qualities:
1. successful graduation of students from their lab
2. good funding
3. good publication record
4. good recommendations from former students
5. good people working for them
6. time to meet with you.."
"Be prepared for failure of experiments most of the time.
Also be prepared to stay in the graduate program for a really long time. 4 years is not the norm--more like 6 or 7"
"Make sure you know why you are there and what you want to do with your degree. Then make sure your advisor knows, too. Make a plan with your advisor that will both satisfy his/her requirements for your degree, and still get you out in a timely manner so you can go on to the next phase of your life."
the link is::: http://www.phd-survey.org/advice/molecular_biology.htm
dido says:: but beware the survey has inputs from jus-outta PhD or students pursuing PhD and has major fallacies and generalisations like:
"If you are a woman and want a family as well as a respectful career in science, forget it. Maybe you'll be a respected, successful scientist if you give up all other hopes and dreams, but this is not a guarantee. If you happen to become both, a mother and a scientist, one will suffer. Usually it's motherhood and the children. Most scientists are crappy parents. Our society does not encourage bright, talented women to breed. Particularly in science, women are punished for breeding. Neither sex is encouraged to be attentive parents, active members of their community, or maintain outside creative interests/hobbies. "
dido says:: A generalisation as in here is absolutely drastic and pushingly pessimistic....but it definitely holds true if u r basically not destined with good managerial skills (here we intend to actually refer to the siamese twins of livelihood - managing home and career)!!!
PS1: Hence this survey material isnot of diagnostic nature or to be taken as the touchstone for deciding abt ur choice for a PhD..Remember each of us have our way of living..
PS2: I remember the time when we were contemplating on career preference between PhD or not, after Masters; there was this similar kind of argument that was sent by a friend as an email forward...i still remember and recall how somebody's views sent as forward drastically changed the career decision of a collegue, who decided not to pursue doctorate studies...Well..er..such are life's dearies and the impact of some Mr.X's views sent as email attachment...Its better to look into YOUR heart and YOUR life...Again :;Remember each of us have our way of living..
Monday, August 6, 2007
Some exciting shopping tips for the geezers...
Though this site specifies shopping neccessities for students moving to USA, it is also applicable to students moving to other european and german countries....
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Why can’t I find Good Men?

One sane reason to explain Suicide bombings is the fact that they are shit Scared of their lives and deem it better to die a so proclaimed glorious death than of Old Age. Well it sounds Nice but is Crap.The omnipresent Ghost of today, the Terrorist feels so proud in doing damage and is someone who marvels at humanity getting back to the Stone Age where He could again be Mr. Ape when we all have strived to do just the opposite. It’s also not fair to think of the Westerners as Sheep, Let’s not forget WW1 and WW2 were all started by the Whites, looks like there are no Sheep indeed but all Wolves trying lamely to look like sheep. Terror is omnipresent, During WW2 the Jews were terrified of the Germans and after WW2 the Germans were terrified of the Russians, and at the same time we Indians were terrified of each other and still are. We all are one Terrified and Violent Race. We are born with violence, we sure were always destructive as kids but as we grew our destructive tendencies went undercover. Nobody can deny being Non-Violent, Look at the pathetic outcome of India’s Independence – the Partition, The American bombings of Hiroshima, Let’s not deny anything.
Indians, It feels like we as a whole are the least violent, the population says it all, well one could argue the same about China but no (ha, Nobody messed with them as nobody could understand them) the infamous ‘art of war’ was authored in China long long ago. We are peace loving people but we love peace in a special way i.e. we are not bothered about peace.
When we visit a foreign country it embodies so much Unity, the clean Roads, the order, the glory of development and we are awe struck. We always could learn a thing or two from them but there is this ‘True Indian’ who refutes by stating that we have better Marital Relations and we don’t eat living beings, ha well till this moment I had never known that Plants were dead beings. Nobody can beat us at being hypocritical or Ignorant or both but we are peace loving. If it weren’t for our Peace-loving traits our Indian populations couldn’t have thrived in England, Canada, Saudi Arabia, and the USA etc. about 30 Million Indians live in other countries (Please wiki NRI for more Info) and Australia’s total population is just a meager 22 Million and they like to play smart by penalizing a suspected Indian Doctor of Being a ‘Terrorist’.
Albert Einstein’s Comment on the American Nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki:
"Let me say only this much to the moral issue involved: Suppose Germany had developed two bombs before we had any bombs. And suppose Germany had dropped one bomb, say, on Rochester and the other on buffalo and then having run out of bombs she would have lost the war. Can anyone doubt that we would then have defined the dropping of atomic bombs on cities as a war crime, and that we would have sentenced the Germans who were guilty of this crime to death at Nuremberg and hanged them? – Albert Einstein
Well said Albert!; When America Bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki the Casualties were about 200,000 including the dead and injured, nobody asked any questions and nobody were allowed to. Compared to that the WTC bombings were nothing and America reiterates by deciding to kill more people. One really feels for Iraq and its people facing ravage at the hands of the Mighty.
Looking at all the above facts, everybody is a terrorist and everybody the victim and at least the Indian marred by some communal disharmony can proudly say he isn’t a complete Wolf yet. It’s actually a record of sorts when we acknowledge that India speaks 1600 Languages, has all the religions in the world and the infamous Castes and communities and still the magnitude of violence we intend is or was less. It’s time we appreciate ourselves for this achievement.
Let Peace Prevail. Let Indians prevail.
A Conversation overheard in a Bar in Heaven:God: dear fellow, I cannot find peace on Earth, It’s so Violent and dangerous…
Devil: Yep, Why do you think I am here with you??? - RJJ
Devil: Yep, Why do you think I am here with you??? - RJJ
Selective misanthropy...Indian Autothanasia

The established trend of Indians moving abroad has been steadily criticised as the trouble at t'mill situation back home...On the other hand, wat we need to deliberate is on the sensitive issues abroad including forming factions based on creed, caste and religion amongst Indians thriving abroad...In fact I still remember of how on the contrary to hospitable foreign faces abroad, I was jilted to find most Indian faces blank and rather cold on sighting a fellow Indian...sub-conscious autothanasia??
Saturday, August 4, 2007
The Traitor,The Caste,The Country
One always comes across sections of people accusing us ‘the Future of Tomorrow’ of ditching their motherland, what have they in turn done to see the upliftment of the country? All they do is talk without credibility and if any then skewed. Their Reason for poverty and low standard of living is us, the Elite when they totally are ignorant or prefer to ignore the fact that they too add up to our mammoth population.
The Bane of any civilization is the caste system and now it is being abused as never before. We all now agree on equality but cannot digest ‘Reservations’. Why is our infrastructure pathetic when India produces one of the best Mathematicians, Computer geeks and Managers (a.k.a IIM ALUMNI?), the Reason?One would never prefer to work under a third rate Higher- up whose presence has been facilitated by the so called ‘Reservation’ shit. I am personally not against any particular section of Society but a victim of reservations even though I belong to a Minority community.Looks like we are grooming our children to revere the Community certificate more than anything. I visit a local Administrative office and I see that and Inefficiency everywhere.
How can I contribute to the upliftment of my country? One always asks this question. I will certainly be paid lesser than my Western counterpart and surely it would not look like a fair deal. Looks like we have no choice, to be a patriot and stay back in the country or a traitor..Ah…, We go work abroad and send our Hard earned money back to India and still be abused by our brethren back home of unfaithfulness etc wherein we sure are Patriots in the truest sense and by this we have created the record of being the most patriotic of all other nations’ emigrant.Statistics show that India leads all the way when it comes to Remittances, Now we are indeed doing a great service to our country. We are the Elite Indeed.
Well I could rant on and on about the deficiencies in our country and the monsters a.k.a Corruption, Bribery, Nepotism et
c and I personally think these are natural occurring phenomena. Greed, Envy is ever-present. Who can forget the Watergate Scandal? (The then American President Nixon had to step down) but the country’s development was never hampered. Then there are people who blame it all on population but look at China, its Forex Reserves is 10 times’ ours. Their Policy - let your weaknesses also be your strengths. They make effective usage of the huge population and ‘Voila’ they are doing good. One might ask, aren’t we supposed to be brainier than the Chinese and also than our Asian counterparts, well the problem is that we are too brainy. We always think up ways to destroy your competition rather conjure a way to mutually grow, well we at last can blame it on the Diversity of our nation and here we are back at where we started, the Community-Caste dilemma. Why does this haunt us again and again? Just when a Foreigner looks at a bunch of Indians abroad, he says, Wow a nice group of Indians but whereas our buggers there are figuring out a way to group themselves into Tamilians,Andhraites,Keralites,Northies etc. Thanks to English we all can be one now, the Westerners’ last effort to unite us.
We aint South Indian or North Indian, Keralite or Bengali, Hindu or Muslim but the Best of the Best, the Elite. We sure are no Traitors. We are involved in more Social Service than any other.
We the Elite can do what we do best, BE ELITE, BE the BEST and make out Nation proud and people where ever you are don’t forget to send some money back home. We are true Patriots Indeed.
The Bane of any civilization is the caste system and now it is being abused as never before. We all now agree on equality but cannot digest ‘Reservations’. Why is our infrastructure pathetic when India produces one of the best Mathematicians, Computer geeks and Managers (a.k.a IIM ALUMNI?), the Reason?One would never prefer to work under a third rate Higher- up whose presence has been facilitated by the so called ‘Reservation’ shit. I am personally not against any particular section of Society but a victim of reservations even though I belong to a Minority community.Looks like we are grooming our children to revere the Community certificate more than anything. I visit a local Administrative office and I see that and Inefficiency everywhere.
How can I contribute to the upliftment of my country? One always asks this question. I will certainly be paid lesser than my Western counterpart and surely it would not look like a fair deal. Looks like we have no choice, to be a patriot and stay back in the country or a traitor..Ah…, We go work abroad and send our Hard earned money back to India and still be abused by our brethren back home of unfaithfulness etc wherein we sure are Patriots in the truest sense and by this we have created the record of being the most patriotic of all other nations’ emigrant.Statistics show that India leads all the way when it comes to Remittances, Now we are indeed doing a great service to our country. We are the Elite Indeed.
Well I could rant on and on about the deficiencies in our country and the monsters a.k.a Corruption, Bribery, Nepotism et

We aint South Indian or North Indian, Keralite or Bengali, Hindu or Muslim but the Best of the Best, the Elite. We sure are no Traitors. We are involved in more Social Service than any other.
We the Elite can do what we do best, BE ELITE, BE the BEST and make out Nation proud and people where ever you are don’t forget to send some money back home. We are true Patriots Indeed.
Flyways for education birdies...

PS1: for your kind notice actually A.E.C (some annamattaii/amanjikarai Engineering College) is supposedly located within the Hindustani border, so we strongly advise you to revisit your cartography skills and apply the skills to check out if you are studying at university outside the INDIAN LEGAL TERRITORY AREA before joining as a blog member...
PS2: Dont be surprised if you find majorly tinge of Tamil vocabs (a.k.a Thanglish..)..
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