whoa....lemme tell you how the over-confidence of having enormous money and position got as a legacy rather than self-effort; give a certain epigenetically (!) disturbed mental disposition to certain people. An epitome for this is my personal witness of the person at the VISA interview who had all airs about her from the time her feet thumped into the embassy premises. On her turn for the interview, she was observed by us, (the mute students …one of which would eventually literate the community about this “unique behaviour” through the blogging process...he he!!) to have a certain pattern of highly disturbing rather irritating body language, a false accent, a made-up attitude…All this was further put to use by the person in describing a not-at-all-required detail of her being the great-grand daughter of a business magnet in the country. On questioning about the inadequacy of her documents needed to support her VISA application she merely went on to say about the wealth her great-great grandfather had left behind, which was ‘obvious’ according to her, saying ‘come on…I belong to the X.D.Z family…And we obviously have lots of money’. The most 'sorry' position was for the official who interviewed her and was dumbstruck with the ruthless audacity with which the lady spoke..So ultimately we students couldnot get over the temptation to gossip and stir the premises out of its meditative state…we ultimately concluded that she was stoned….rather stoned with the mysterious drug of vanity…actually overdose I must say…..
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