One always comes across sections of people accusing us ‘the Future of Tomorrow’ of ditching their motherland, what have they in turn done to see the upliftment of the country? All they do is talk without credibility and if any then skewed. Their Reason for poverty and low standard of living is us, the Elite when they totally are ignorant or prefer to ignore the fact that they too add up to our mammoth population.
The Bane of any civilization is the caste system and now it is being abused as never before. We all now agree on equality but cannot digest ‘Reservations’. Why is our infrastructure pathetic when India produces one of the best Mathematicians, Computer geeks and Managers (a.k.a IIM ALUMNI?), the Reason?One would never prefer to work under a third rate Higher- up whose presence has been facilitated by the so called ‘Reservation’ shit. I am personally not against any particular section of Society but a victim of reservations even though I belong to a Minority community.Looks like we are grooming our children to revere the Community certificate more than anything. I visit a local Administrative office and I see that and Inefficiency everywhere.
How can I contribute to the upliftment of my country? One always asks this question. I will certainly be paid lesser than my Western counterpart and surely it would not look like a fair deal. Looks like we have no choice, to be a patriot and stay back in the country or a traitor..Ah…, We go work abroad and send our Hard earned money back to India and still be abused by our brethren back home of unfaithfulness etc wherein we sure are Patriots in the truest sense and by this we have created the record of being the most patriotic of all other nations’ emigrant.Statistics show that India leads all the way when it comes to Remittances, Now we are indeed doing a great service to our country. We are the Elite Indeed.
Well I could rant on and on about the deficiencies in our country and the monsters a.k.a Corruption, Bribery, Nepotism et
c and I personally think these are natural occurring phenomena. Greed, Envy is ever-present. Who can forget the Watergate Scandal? (The then American President Nixon had to step down) but the country’s development was never hampered. Then there are people who blame it all on population but look at China, its Forex Reserves is 10 times’ ours. Their Policy - let your weaknesses also be your strengths. They make effective usage of the huge population and ‘Voila’ they are doing good. One might ask, aren’t we supposed to be brainier than the Chinese and also than our Asian counterparts, well the problem is that we are too brainy. We always think up ways to destroy your competition rather conjure a way to mutually grow, well we at last can blame it on the Diversity of our nation and here we are back at where we started, the Community-Caste dilemma. Why does this haunt us again and again? Just when a Foreigner looks at a bunch of Indians abroad, he says, Wow a nice group of Indians but whereas our buggers there are figuring out a way to group themselves into Tamilians,Andhraites,Keralites,Northies etc. Thanks to English we all can be one now, the Westerners’ last effort to unite us.
We aint South Indian or North Indian, Keralite or Bengali, Hindu or Muslim but the Best of the Best, the Elite. We sure are no Traitors. We are involved in more Social Service than any other.
We the Elite can do what we do best, BE ELITE, BE the BEST and make out Nation proud and people where ever you are don’t forget to send some money back home. We are true Patriots Indeed.
The Bane of any civilization is the caste system and now it is being abused as never before. We all now agree on equality but cannot digest ‘Reservations’. Why is our infrastructure pathetic when India produces one of the best Mathematicians, Computer geeks and Managers (a.k.a IIM ALUMNI?), the Reason?One would never prefer to work under a third rate Higher- up whose presence has been facilitated by the so called ‘Reservation’ shit. I am personally not against any particular section of Society but a victim of reservations even though I belong to a Minority community.Looks like we are grooming our children to revere the Community certificate more than anything. I visit a local Administrative office and I see that and Inefficiency everywhere.
How can I contribute to the upliftment of my country? One always asks this question. I will certainly be paid lesser than my Western counterpart and surely it would not look like a fair deal. Looks like we have no choice, to be a patriot and stay back in the country or a traitor..Ah…, We go work abroad and send our Hard earned money back to India and still be abused by our brethren back home of unfaithfulness etc wherein we sure are Patriots in the truest sense and by this we have created the record of being the most patriotic of all other nations’ emigrant.Statistics show that India leads all the way when it comes to Remittances, Now we are indeed doing a great service to our country. We are the Elite Indeed.
Well I could rant on and on about the deficiencies in our country and the monsters a.k.a Corruption, Bribery, Nepotism et

We aint South Indian or North Indian, Keralite or Bengali, Hindu or Muslim but the Best of the Best, the Elite. We sure are no Traitors. We are involved in more Social Service than any other.
We the Elite can do what we do best, BE ELITE, BE the BEST and make out Nation proud and people where ever you are don’t forget to send some money back home. We are true Patriots Indeed.
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