Yet another day...whereas the delimitations for aspirations in life is considered one of the self-deciding component of one's blithe living; there are scaffold where you tend to articulate your aspirations as writing to forums/blogs and such awfully engrossing leisure spots...(here by "aspirations" we gladly tend to embrace wide contrasts of things like::: your aspiration to become a surgoen or astronaut, or to jog everyday, or to eat the Rs 99/- unlimited pizza at Alwarpet and make the pizza place owner bankrupt to such an extent that he can't afford to buy even an ounce of 'maida', or the most gloriously potrayed aspirations ever, to "date" men/women or both(?)...and the list baloons further.....)
But what really happens is that on you penning down such stuff, you tend to invite snare, glares and so on from fellow populace...(here by "fellow" we mean people similarly recording such riveting(!) stuff through words).
So the undeniable event of encountering some one who in a hardly impeccable sentence formation patterns of the English language sent a morsel (morsel=scrap...actually we dont publicise networking sites here...so dont expect me to add the explanation for 'morsel' again), stating that the specimen actually liked the "attitude" displayed in the profile but came out with a yet another not-at-all-required advice that one should not get too ambitious...well..er..translating to basically to::: u can display any amount of feat (any people will evetually like it) but u mustnot actually pursue on that line to 'achieve' anything...(as people may not like dat)
PS: I couldnt find the gender of the specimen. But looking at the probablity of events such this, and based on the untold norms of male-female behaviour, i certainly would have liked to blog about HOW-the-male-gender-cant-endure-ambitous-female counterparts...(but one of the rule of our blogging standards strongly extempt me from writing in this angle..the rule states: avoid generalisations and the standard-formats which are terribly the speech fallacies and ga ga...)
But what really happens is that on you penning down such stuff, you tend to invite snare, glares and so on from fellow populace...(here by "fellow" we mean people similarly recording such riveting(!) stuff through words).
So the undeniable event of encountering some one who in a hardly impeccable sentence formation patterns of the English language sent a morsel (morsel=scrap...actually we dont publicise networking sites here...so dont expect me to add the explanation for 'morsel' again), stating that the specimen actually liked the "attitude" displayed in the profile but came out with a yet another not-at-all-required advice that one should not get too ambitious...well..er..translating to basically to::: u can display any amount of feat (any people will evetually like it) but u mustnot actually pursue on that line to 'achieve' anything...(as people may not like dat)
PS: I couldnt find the gender of the specimen. But looking at the probablity of events such this, and based on the untold norms of male-female behaviour, i certainly would have liked to blog about HOW-the-male-gender-cant-endure-ambitous-female counterparts...(but one of the rule of our blogging standards strongly extempt me from writing in this angle..the rule states: avoid generalisations and the standard-formats which are terribly the speech fallacies and ga ga...)
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