One sane reason to explain Suicide bombings is the fact that they are shit Scared of their lives and deem it better to die a so proclaimed glorious death than of Old Age. Well it sounds Nice but is Crap.The omnipresent Ghost of today, the Terrorist feels so proud in doing damage and is someone who marvels at humanity getting back to the Stone Age where He could again be Mr. Ape when we all have strived to do just the opposite. It’s also not fair to think of the Westerners as Sheep, Let’s not forget WW1 and WW2 were all started by the Whites, looks like there are no Sheep indeed but all Wolves trying lamely to look like sheep. Terror is omnipresent, During WW2 the Jews were terrified of the Germans and after WW2 the Germans were terrified of the Russians, and at the same time we Indians were terrified of each other and still are. We all are one Terrified and Violent Race. We are born with violence, we sure were always destructive as kids but as we grew our destructive tendencies went undercover. Nobody can deny being Non-Violent, Look at the pathetic outcome of India’s Independence – the Partition, The American bombings of Hiroshima, Let’s not deny anything.
Indians, It feels like we as a whole are the least violent, the population says it all, well one could argue the same about China but no (ha, Nobody messed with them as nobody could understand them) the infamous ‘art of war’ was authored in China long long ago. We are peace loving people but we love peace in a special way i.e. we are not bothered about peace.
When we visit a foreign country it embodies so much Unity, the clean Roads, the order, the glory of development and we are awe struck. We always could learn a thing or two from them but there is this ‘True Indian’ who refutes by stating that we have better Marital Relations and we don’t eat living beings, ha well till this moment I had never known that Plants were dead beings. Nobody can beat us at being hypocritical or Ignorant or both but we are peace loving. If it weren’t for our Peace-loving traits our Indian populations couldn’t have thrived in England, Canada, Saudi Arabia, and the USA etc. about 30 Million Indians live in other countries (Please wiki NRI for more Info) and Australia’s total population is just a meager 22 Million and they like to play smart by penalizing a suspected Indian Doctor of Being a ‘Terrorist’.
Albert Einstein’s Comment on the American Nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki:
"Let me say only this much to the moral issue involved: Suppose Germany had developed two bombs before we had any bombs. And suppose Germany had dropped one bomb, say, on Rochester and the other on buffalo and then having run out of bombs she would have lost the war. Can anyone doubt that we would then have defined the dropping of atomic bombs on cities as a war crime, and that we would have sentenced the Germans who were guilty of this crime to death at Nuremberg and hanged them? – Albert Einstein
Well said Albert!; When America Bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki the Casualties were about 200,000 including the dead and injured, nobody asked any questions and nobody were allowed to. Compared to that the WTC bombings were nothing and America reiterates by deciding to kill more people. One really feels for Iraq and its people facing ravage at the hands of the Mighty.
Looking at all the above facts, everybody is a terrorist and everybody the victim and at least the Indian marred by some communal disharmony can proudly say he isn’t a complete Wolf yet. It’s actually a record of sorts when we acknowledge that India speaks 1600 Languages, has all the religions in the world and the infamous Castes and communities and still the magnitude of violence we intend is or was less. It’s time we appreciate ourselves for this achievement.
Let Peace Prevail. Let Indians prevail.
A Conversation overheard in a Bar in Heaven:God: dear fellow, I cannot find peace on Earth, It’s so Violent and dangerous…
Devil: Yep, Why do you think I am here with you??? - RJJ
Devil: Yep, Why do you think I am here with you??? - RJJ
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